Unsure if you have valid grounds to make a compensation claim? Try our free claim checks below or contact us.
At Whitelaw McDonald Lawyers, we specialise in guiding you through the claims process for various cases, including workplace injuries, mining accidents, motor vehicle incidents, and will disputes. Our dedicated team in Newcastle, the Central Coast and Sydney is committed to ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. With extensive local knowledge and a personalised approach, we are here to help you navigate your legal journey.
I was injured at work
If you have been injured or become unwell due to your work, you may be eligible for workers compensation benefits. This includes psychological injuries caused by your work environment and the worsening of pre-existing conditions as a result of your job.
I have a mining injury
If you have been injured in an underground or open cut mine, you may be eligible for workers compensation benefits. Try our free claim check tool to see if you have a claim.
I have a disability or illness and can’t work
If you have a physical or mental illness that prevents you from working, you may be eligible to claim benefits from your superannuation fund.
I was injured in a motor accident
If you or a loved one suffered injuries due to a car accident, motorbike incident, bicycle collision, or even public transport mishap, you may be eligible to make a claim.
I was left out of a will
If you believe you have not been adequately provided for in a deceased person’s will, you may have grounds to make a claim.
I suffered a personal Injury
Injured at work, on the road, in a public place or due to medical negligence? You may have a claim.